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BLACK DRINKS - The UK's workplace bullying taboo.
Drinking water in UK workplaces is routinely tainted by hard water softening filters
which contain traces of strong pharmaceutical drugs like Antidepressants and Ritalin. This is because modern buildings must preserve their delicate modern fixtures (toilets), fittings and appliances from limescale damage. The filters inadvertently contain the tainting which goes on to taint the water supply. A separate public-water-supply is typically not offered in workplaces; except spring water dispensers which are also tainted.
In short, employers everywhere are supplying their workforces with drugs tainted drinking water and drugs tainted hot drinks ingredients (usually the cheapest). This is a severe liability in the workplace, where workers routinely operate fork lifts and heavy machinery whilst affected by drugs tainted canteen drinks given to them by their employer. All unbeknown to the employers' insurance cover!

Food tainting which causes mental health issues is now the leading trend where food tainting is concerned in the UK. Tainting which causes mental health issues has recently replaced a tainting which causes drowsiness in some premium quality food brands in the UK.
Premium quality tins of spaghetti and baked beans we tried contain traces of strong pharmaceutical drugs like Antidepressants and Ritalin. The tainting in these products causes mental health issues like confusion, anxiety and malaise. This may be the cause of millions of people's mental health issues in the UK. The antisocial traces of chemicals in the products can have devastating effects on the victims well being.
Premium quality and popular supermarket branded bread flours we tried are tainted with what's thought to be the worst levels of chemical tainting ever; This causes from diarrhea, to poor mental health and malaise.
Premium quality gravy granules we tried also contain traces of strong pharmaceutical drugs like Antidepressants and Ritalin. Once consumed the victim typically suffers mental health issues like confusion, anxiety and malaise. Again, the antisocial traces of chemicals in the products can have devastating effects on the victims well being. This may be the cause of millions of people's mental health issues in the UK.

'BLACK DRINKS' is the colloquial name for drugs-tainted-drinks, which are universally accepted in dark (workplace) humour due to its taboo status and impunity, as well as the futility of combating its presence.
We can also reveal that drinking water at nearly all (UK) work sites and public buildings is routinely tainted by the employers hard water softening filters (or chemicals) which are heavily tainted with illicit pharmaceutical drugs like Antidepressants and Ritalin (aka Methylphenidate).
In our opinion, over 95% of UK work sites and public buildings are fitted with hard-water softening systems which taint the sites drinking water with pharmaceutical drugs like Antidepressants and Ritalin.
This is because modern buildings must use hard water softening systems to preserve delicate modern fixtures, fittings and appliances.
A separate supply of mains drinking water is typically not offered. Communal spring water is often offered. But it is typically also tainted with similar chemicals to work site tap water.
Where food is cooked at the affected (workplace or public) site, especially where water is added to dry food ingredients like gravy-granules, this food also becomes tainted too.
Examples of new and modernised buildings which are affected by water tainting is exhaustive, and includes: Workplaces, Primary schools, Schools, Colleges, Universities, Child care facilities, Hospitals, Hotels, Restaurants, Police stations, Government buildings, Factories, Offices; as well as almost all buildings brought up to modern specifications to protect their modern (plumbing) fixtures, fittings and appliances.
About primary schools, secondary schools, colleges & universities with contaminated drinking water.
We know that contaminated hard water softening systems (and chemical additives) are fitted to almost all new buildings and modern upgrades. This means primary school aged children as well as all other children and young adults in Britain's schools, colleges and universities may be routinely exposed to contaminated drinking water. From our research, we found it very likely that inattentive or disruptive children will be misdiagnosed as having for example ADHD; which is caused by the contaminated drinking water. They otherwise do not have a medical condition except for the symptoms caused by the contaminents. Contaminated drinking water is also used to make food they are given to eat, for example, using contaminated water with gravy granules or gravy powder. This means children's behavior is badly affected by contaminated drinking water. So called education experts now send inattentive or disruptive children to doctors who prescribe strong medications they must take; when they may not have had anything wrong with them except the behavioral problems caused by the contaminated drinking water. We know the drinking water contamination is strongly contaminated because we researched how it badly affects adults in the workplace. From what we know about drinking water in the workplace, there can be high levels of contamination which is known to cause high levels of behavioral problems. It therefore transpires that many children are being regularly medicated to control their behavioral problems caused by the contaminated drinking water using strong prescription drugs, like Antidepressants and Ritalin. This appalling bureaucracy is due to the authorities failing to observe or properly test the quality of drinking water in schools after their self serving intervention to stop limescale buildups from damaging their new modern (plumbing) equipment, fixtures and fittings. Although many people know about the drinking water contamination problem it is considered too taboo to share. This is partly because it is considered that worker's unions have little power to influence the workplace, where this also applies to teachers and other workers in schools. People who work in schools are also dissuaded from speaking out because of the current fashionable silence created by national liberal attitudes that refuse to accept any archaism of, for example, old social-democratic values. But this may also be a form of protest against those who form the social collaborative interactions of peer pressure. Workers in schools therefore feel too isolated to speak out, while the governmental authorities revel in their political correctness and fortunate silence, and are therefore not taking any action to ensure that the drinking water in schools is clean and not contaminated by albeit new (plumbing) technology. In short, and from the information available to us, most hard water softening systems or chemicals added to water systems also contain chemicals that contaminate the water system and which are not supposed to be in there. These foreign bodies albeit prescription drugs and illicit drugs are deliberately added by delinquents during the manufacturing process. There is currently no answer to this problem, except maybe the cost of quality equipment, and which has not even been reported or debated. We therefore recommend to parents and to young adults, to take your own drinks to school, and not to drink the school's contaminated tap water. By drinking contaminated drinking water you risk your children getting behavioral problems, as well as also having sleeping problems at night; since from our research we also know that it can take at least 18 hours to get the active contaminants out of the body's system. This in turn can cause severe anxiety, depression, mental health problems, severe insomnia and daytime tiredness. Moreover, children incorrectly misdiagnosed and medicated for being inattentive or disruptive are being inappropriately exposed to prescription drugs, which may make them reliant or addicted to prescription drugs as a 'crutch'. Such children are then likely to turn to other drugs as a 'crutch', or become lifetime addicts to illicit hard-drugs.
Illicit pharmaceutical drugs, like Ritalin, are added to the hard water softening filters (or systems) during manufacture by employees as part of the fashionable process of tainting goods to support women's lifestyle idealisms aka womens-rights-supporters, albeit their new-age religion political aims.
While many workers knowingly consume Black-drinks to improve their mental state and stamina in the workplace, others unknowingly, suffer from mental-health problems induced by the chemicals in the water, which also makes them vulnerable to bullying as they become intoxicated and reactive. While knowledgable workers know about Black-drinks, the problem is an open joke at the workplace, especially at high turnover workplaces where unknowledgeable workers do not know where the drinks-tainting comes from and therefore suffer from the effects to the amusement of bullys. Some think it is personal bullying; and this does happen, often specifically against agency staffed workers (relief workers) who do not have an employment contract and who are not members of their union.
Since Black-drinks are becoming more common knowlegable particularly amoung young people, many workers now avoid taking communal drinks at work altogether, and are forced to go without any drinking water all day, let alone the relief of a hot drink; for fear they will become intoxicated, making them susceptible to bullying and the subsequent loss of employment; which stems from knowledgeable workers using unknowledgeable workers vulnerabilty to Black-drinks to gain amusement from bullying in the workplace!
The dark humour of drugs tainted drinks in the workplace may therefore be considered 'an introvert form of bullying'.
There are many reasons why this might occur, like the withdrawal of the UK Socialist state, which circa the 1970's, used to be regarded as a person's right to have an equal share of the UK's state owned assets. This is because circa the 1970's, employment conditions were seen as much better. Everything was provided free by the (UK's) Social Democracy state (the people's monarchy), and the workers were supported by strong unions.
At the height of the (UK's) Social Democracy state much of the UK's industry was publicly owned; from British Steel, to British Gas, British Rail and British Telecom. People were literally encouraged to claim benefits including unemployment benefits. Council houses were much more widely available, and were designed to lift people out of the UK's slum housing. You could get anything Free from dental care at the NHS' own dental clinics, to a much higher standard of care from NHS doctors and hospitals; who could sign you off work and provide you with (your right to) superior treatments, like: Valium, Opioid-painkillers and Sleeping-pills.
Now that Council-houses have largely been sold off by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's economic model of 'Popular Capitalism', slum housing has returned like never before!
Where unemployed people were once encouraged to ask for unemployment benefits, they are now being discouraged by identity and financial background checks, or forced-off unemployment benefits altogether by draconian re-education schemes, which are collectively known as 'The Work Program', and are typically run by so-called charities that want to earn government money - by re-educating people.
This is when the UK government's employment service, The Jobcentre, now very often forces very medically unfit people to do 'any' work that is available, where the workplace conditions can be extremely arduous and unpleasant; albeit due to the introvert-bullying which stems from the employers tainted water supply and tainted drinks ingredients; especially in temporary employment hotspots, like factory labouring.

Tainting by prescription drugs, like Ritalin, gets into food products. The food tainting is designed to change the victims state of mind, but can cause long term illnesses like insomnia.

Hard water is water that has a high mineral content and contains an excess of minerals including calcium and magnesium. Rainwater is naturally soft, but when it falls and lands in areas with porous rock, it can become hard.

ADHD is a behavioral disorder characterized by difficulty maintaining attention, impulsive behavior and extreme hyperactivity.

Ritalin became commonplace as a therapy for ADHD and behavior problems in school children by 2020.

Ritalin has no problem getting into the food supply chain. Ritalin is a medication given to school children which makes this a commonly available and fashionable food tainting ingredient.

'BLACK DRINKS' is the colloquial and humorously given name for drinks tainted with pharmaceutical drugs (in the workplace).
BLACK DRINKS can also be fun!
The Black Widow Cocktail, is a sleek and sinister Halloween-festival beverage with a sharp bite.
2 ounces Vodka
3 ounces Cream de Cassis
1 ounce Kahlua
1/2 teaspoon Activated Charcoal (optional)
1 ounce Ginger Beer

Economist Lord William Beveridge devised the welfare state in the 1940s, which offered a cradle-to-grave welfare state.

UK food tainting has a sinister regularity.
This may be linked to the lack of UK opposition government, that historically, provides little more than a protest vote.

Fresh meat is routinely injected with water at the factory. This is said by retailers to add gloss and shine to the meat.
In our opinion, a typical joint of meat is always highly tainted from the water injection process. This causes illnesses like obesity, anxiety and insomnia.

Coffee beans contain high levels of tainting which induces a fake caffeine high.
This is deliberately designed to entertain the UK youth culture scene through a perception of 'experimenting or tormenting people with drugs tainted drinks'.

Modern UK society has a host of problems which stem from the delinquent youth they have created. These problems are taboo and have yet to be realized by society or publicized by the media. Today’s youth live under different rules and values than their parents knew at their so-called 'Tory schools'. This is while there is a new trend of modern schools punishing disruptive students with EXCLUSION at varying levels. The UK also has a culture of intolerance to ANTI SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR; as well as popular culture driven ideas to sentencing like RESTORATIVE JUSTICE. However these culture changes are not outwardly reflected by society or the media.
We can now also reveal that - contaminated new pipework arbitrarily contaminates water causing medical conditions like insomnia.

Insomnia means any type of sleeping disorder. But where water contaminents cause sleeplessness, sufferers feel more lively at bedtime for no aparent reason and then can't get to sleep at bedtime, lying awake for many hours. Typically people don't sleep until the early hours of the morning and then feel very fatigued (at work). In more severe cases, sufferers may not sleep at all or for just a very short time. Insomnia also causes obesity from the severe discomfort of boredom, tiredness and fatigue.
Our research points to an arbitrary carrier of contaminates in UK tap water with commonly avaliable drugs like Ritalin. This is because UK tap water mains pipes are being replaced. It is therefore possible, although not verifiable, that contaminates are entering the tap water system because contaminates are coming from the new pipe works. This could be because jokers are putting things in the new pipes during production, or later while the new pipes are lying around construction sites. It is also possible that the pipes have a lacquer coating which releases into the water. The lacquer therefore is therefore also contaminated as so many things routinely are.
This is when UK tap water also has a great tradition of being considered as drinking water. This is because everyone traditionally uses tap water for boiling a kettle for hot drinks, as well as for cold beverages.

Numerous branded and supermarket sliced breads we tried (basically all of them) caused sleeping disorders,
like, not sleeping until the early hours of the morning and then feeling very fatigued in the morning, leading to fatigue all day (at work).
This means the unsuspecting are now making themselves into an unfit state, just by having toast and sandwiches.
Furthermore, just a couple of slices of any bread from breakfast time are enough to start the vicious circle of insomnia, anxiety and depression. This is when most people routinely use sliced bread for all meals of the day.

Trying to avoid bread altogether is very hard. For those who don't like cereal breakfast in the morning, our advice is to cook extra food when you make lunches or evening meals; keep this in the refrigerator, and then use this pre cooked food for breakfast. We therefore have to advise you not to use tea or coffee at all unless you are sure of the quality.
In short, very small amounts of compounds in water or any foodstuff can cause insomnia or other problems as appropriate to specific chemicals. This is thought to be akin to the medical therapy called 'Aromatherapy'. In aromatherapy the compounds are diluted many times but still have the desired effect in the medicinal therapy. Therefore, we conclude that small amounts of strong medicines can cause adverse effects in water and foodstuffs even when diluted many times.
Bottled mineral water is also often heavily contaminated with pharmaceutical drugs like Antidepressants. We have firm evidence that certain bottled mineral water's are tainted. In short, some brands are better than others. However, clean water is out there somewhere, even if you have to use river water or public lake water. This will be 100% clean of pharmaceuticals, but should be treated with a Water purification process, ideally boiled before use. Do not use static or barely flowing water, or water near sewage treatment plants. This water is toxic!

When you've got this insomnia thing finished and all over, please try to remember that it wasn't your partner, family or even your friends who have been tainting your water all this time. Therefore, please try to thank them as a way of appologising for all the hurt this has caused to you, as well as to them too. Peace out.
USA Portlanders refused mandatory water fluoridation for the first time in 1956.
Yet again in 2012, the Portland City Council made an attempt to side-step voters by ordering mandatory fluoridation, despite the fact that Portland voters had already rejected fluoridation three times.
In response to the City Council vote, citizens formed Clean Water Portland (now a part of Clean Water Oregon) and within days hundreds of Portlanders had signed on to help. In an incredible grassroots effort, Clean Water Portland's largely volunteer team gathered over 43,000 in-person signatures in 30 days, in a successful referendum campaign to force the Council's decision back to the voters.
Many other food staples are also tainted. For example (UK) Coffee shop culture has become a fashionable pastime, where 'Black-drinks' have developed as an entertainment through the perception of 'experimenting with drugs, or, tormenting people with e.g. drugs tainted drinks'. This is all part of a deliberate act by a cabal that want to entertain the UK's youth culture scene.
Fresh meats and many other fresh foods are routinely tainted during the manufacturing process. This is because fresh meat is routinely injected with water at the factory where meat is prepared. This is said by retailers to add gloss and shine to the meat, to make it more pleasant and saleable. But this also adds weight which is typically 50% of the meats weight. Although water injected meat is widely tolerated, it releases 50% of its weight in water during cooking, e.g. into the roasting tray. This causes problems during cooking the meat, which becomes damaged and tough from the hot water discharged into the roasting tray etc. Tainting with pharmacutical drugs like Antidepressants and Ritalin also gets in there. In our opinion, a typical tainted joint of meat causes the consumer to get illnesses like obesity, anxiety and insomnia. Since most joints of meat are sold as the supermarket's own brand, the chemicals used to taint tend to vary greatly by supermarket. Here we used a roasting joint of meat as our benchmark, but water injection applies to all other cuts of meat.
Manufacturers are currently more concerned with their profit margins than food quality. For example, the market for high quality untainted goods is not considered to be relevant. Manufacturers simply ignore the food tainting issue because it would be too politically incorrect to try to tackle what is an extremely sensitive (new-age political) issue. Food manufacturers don't want to stir up a taboo issue that is too politically-incorrect to tackle. Why throw away expensive raw materials and stock, when the food tainting issue is not even considered to be 'real and tangible'. Apart from abiding to standards laid down by the British Food Standards Agency, they are powerless to try to tackle the deeper rooted issues that cause food tainting. This means pathogens like Listeriosis have to be carefully monitored. This is while food tainting from things like Ritalin and Laxatives are not recognized at all.
In the 2000's laxatives were a prevalent food tainting problem. Since then laxatives have become a controlled drug, and a person must be 18 years old to be able to purchase limited packs of the drug. Since laxatives are now less commonly available, diarrhea is also less common. But drugs like Ritalin and antidepressants have become more commonly prescribed and have replaced laxatives as the preferred food tainting. The delinquents behind food tainting preferring the more subtle tainting from drugs like Ritalin as this suits their new-age political aims of, for example, dumming-down traditionalist values.
Ritalin enters the food chain. Drugs like Ritalin are commonly used to treat children and teenagers for ADHD, especially in schools where badly behaved children have been identified as inattentive and lacking focus; they are given extremely powerful medicines designed to invoke alert-attention. However, Ritalin is obtained clandestinely (from patients) to taint food; with the intention of subtly causing sleeping problems in the general public population, (aka the 'insomnia' epidemic).
Overzealous lifestyle idealisms on children. The ADHD diagnosis is a knock on effect from overzealous lifestyle idealisms, where school children and young people have been expected to behave too obediently, especially in schools. The result has been that UK schools are now too intolerant regarding children’s misbehavior as to subdue them with medication.
Disgruntled school-children pass on their woes. Political correctness has led many young people into being diagnosed with ADHD. This provides a plentiful supply of Ritalin where much of the UK workforce is now comprised of disgruntled young people who are beyond state benefits; having inherited a much reduced socialist welfare state. Sadly, the drug Ritalin given to school children to treat their ADHD now enters the food chain. Disgruntled school-children and irritated young adults make their feelings known by passing on their woes; tainting the food chain with their prescription drugs like Antidepressants and Ritalin.

Drugs like Ritalin are commonly used to treat children and teenagers for ADHD, especially in schools where badly behaved children have been identified as inattentive and lacking focus.

The monstrously named Monster-energy-drinks are popular in the UK.
Drugs like 'Caffeine' in energy drinks may underpin excessive behavioral traits in children and young people, like tainting each others food and drinks with drugs.
The Ritalin insomnia epidemic. Food tainting with Ritalin may stem from the dissent of young people whose trendy diagnoses with ADHD have led to them to being prescribed the drug Ritalin or its similar variants.
Many young people went on to become young adult's dependant on the amphetamines’. The UK has seen a recent epidemic of cases of insomnia due to drugs food tainting. Although not widely advertised, anyone can note the increases in the number of people complaining of poor sleep and insomnia.
Many young people were mistakenly prescribed the drug Ritalin, due to being misdiagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD, because they were misunderstood by parents, teachers and doctors. Their misunderstanding stems from new-age albeit contemporary parenting and schooling methods, where the children concerned may also not be very well suited to academic learning. Put simply, it has become too politically incorrect for children to misbehave in school. Where children are naughty, and even if they only failed to excel in their academic studies; they are singled out as trouble makers, thugs and delinquents.
Parents naturally panic, and will do anything to stop schools putting their children into special measures, including being sent to rehabilitation-schools like e.g. Sky College 'behavior-problem-schools' long in use since 2011. (On the advice of schools), panicked parents sought medical advice and the subsequent (new-age) treatment which resulted in the politically correct treatment for ADHD, which may well be Ritalin or its variants.
History of Ritalin prescribed use (in the UK). Beginning in the 1960s, Ritalin (see Ritalin History here) was used to treat children with ADHD based on earlier work starting with the studies by American psychiatrist Charles Bradley on the use of psycho stimulant drugs, such as Benzedrine, with then called "maladjusted children".
Production and prescription of Ritalin (methylphenidate) rose significantly in the 1990s, especially in the United States, as the ADHD diagnosis came to be better understood and more generally accepted from the empirical evidence which was subsequently accepted by (new-age) clinicians within the medical and mental health communities. By 2020 Ritalin has become commonplace as a therapy for ADHD (and any behavioral problems in school children).

Chlorinated chicken is about to become the next thing in British food. Part of this idea is thought to be the extension of shelf-life of food products. This creates a feeling of availability and desirability in shops, from attractive aesthetics, like bountyfull shelves full of stock. This also creates a more desirable platform for sales from the FEEL GOOD FACTOR provided for consumers. The feel-good-factor is great news for supermarkets and shops who need not waste as much stock which would normally be sent to waste earlier due to USE BY DATES. Overall this creates a more desirable consumer experience, with more attractive products filling the shelves, while this is more favorable for retailers and their suppliers.
Popular in the USA, the idea of chlorinated chicken has yet to become popular in the UK. Shunned by the media, the British legal system has seen many cases of unscrupulous suppliers repacking rotting chicken after treating the meat with chlorine.

The food manufacturing industry's main concern is their profit margins, and therefore the low price of food, rather than its quality.
Teaching young people to contradict traditional skills.
Injecting water into meat is a typical example of modern day contradictions of traditional butchery skills, which is now taught in UK colleges and workplaces. Traditionally, butchers hung meat to allow it to dry. But, since circa the 1990's, modern teaching instructs students to ignore the injected water. Due to 'modernist thinking', this is all part of the FEEL GOOD FACTOR handed down by the modernist-generations new ways of thinking, albeit from new-age religion which sprang from the late 1980's.
It is now hard to find UK butchers that offer 'traditional butchery skills' albeit properly prepared meat. For economic reasons, butchers albeit their wholesale source, employs methods of THE FEEL GOOD FACTOR, like adding water to meat to obtain profit where their was formerly a much less attractive offer to the consumer. For example, the consumer is now offered twice as much meat in weight, albeit since half the meats weight is just added water. Since high street butchers routinely buy their stock from wholesalers that inject water into the meat during processing, this in turn leads to much more tainted products, than if, for example, butchers prepared products from raw untreated animal carcasses.
Practices like adding water to meat are being exonerated by dissolving traditional (archaic) butchery methods, in favor of THE FEEL GOOD FACTOR; albeit the doctrine employed by new-age political idealists for the sake of economic gains. This forces skilled butchers to abandon their traditional butchery skills and adopt modernist methods, which may now be the only way of making money using more cheaply made mass-produced goods from factories, albeit buying-in cheaper meat which has had water injected into it. Modern day butchery therefore disregards traditional butchery practices, and is part of the food-chain which ingrains food tainting problems as part of new-age FEEL GOOD FACTOR practices for the sake of economic gains.
Looking forward at traditional butchery practices; food tainting has become fundamentally present and has led to poor quality goods where the goods are said to be of the highest quality. In short, meat said by high street butchers to be of the highest quality is no better than much cheaper supermarket meats. This is when high street butchers said their meats are bred for higher quality markets. But this meat is often more (unpleasantly) tainted, albeit using water injection, and is often found to be lower quality than cheaper meats sold in supermarkets.
'Stonewalling consumer food quality reports.
Consumers who try to report problems with food quality using help lines simply can't get anywhere. This is when many tainted food products are not fit for consumption. In our opinion almost all tainting is not reported. It is now not only a popular fashion not to report faulty food goods, but it is also pointless because it is extremely hard to get past food manufacturers customer service systems which employ a stonewall attitude, and therefore a nonexistent analysis of faulty goods.
In any case it is a popular practice for shoppers to buy food without taking into account any problems with the food. This poplar fashion of food quality apathy is yet another decades old lifestyle trait of British women. Since the 1990's, and more so since 2000's, women ignored the quality of food products to try to get more support for their aims. Targeting food tainting would not have improved feminist lifestyle idealisms. This would have encouraged strict working conditions and penalties for the offenders. Women therefore ignored tainted goods, and literally shopped by ignoring these issues.
Replacing old-stalwarts with casual labour.
Further reasons behind food tainting may be due to UK food producer’s unfortunate staffing methods. Replacing old stalwarts with temporary-agency-staffing has disrupted the staffing and management chain, while also causing dissent by lowering pay and working conditions. This damages the quality of manufactured goods. Poor staffing methods also promotes the tainting stored raw materials held in storage silos, like flour which is vulnerable as this can easily be accessed by workers.

The political ideas of new-age religion prefer their own ideas to those upheld by so-called old stalwarts.
Excessive chlorine bleaching. Another example of food tainting is when vegetables and salads are washed and sometimes sprayed with chemicals to clean away the mould and pathogens. However, prescription drugs get into the cleaning solutions as well. This is evident in prepared salads and even cauliflower and broccoli, which in our opinion are some of the worst affected food tainting examples. This is because cauliflower and broccoli are very porous and have an extremely large surface area with an intricate construction. Their large surface area and highly porous nature means they can soak up the chlorine washing solution, which also contains tainting by prescription drugs and other chemicals. When cauliflower or broccoli is washed or sprayed, chemicals dry on the surface area, as well as soaking up some of the chemical concoction. This results in an extremely contaminated vegetable. In any case, you can virtually guarantee all supermarket vegetables have all been immaculately washed and cleaned; so that if you look closely, they have a whitish and almost bleached look to them. This is the chlorine-bleaching, which may also dry into a thin layer of white powder. The resulting chlorine-bleaching results in unexpected levels of food tainting which lead to health problems, like insomnia, and also things like mental health issues, anxiety and obesity. Many victims can't work out where the source their ailments came from, and are left looking paranoid from the politically-incorrect suspicion of food tainting.

Consumer help-lines typically offer no help to people complaining of tainting in their food. In our experience, food companies typically rebuke all allegations against their products as company policy.
Sleep deprivation. Insomnia from food tainting can cause sleep deprivation which is very upsetting. When sleep is disrupted this leads to prolonged periods of tiredness and difficulties doing tasks like studying. This leads to poor mental health issues, typically anxiety and depression. Tainted food can be extremely hard to detect. However tainting maintains to be in virtually all manufactured foods to some degree. Food tainting can cause severe diarrhea, harrowing insomnia, anxiety, depression and even heart palpitations. Mood-swings from food tainting is another side-effect. For example, where beer, wines and spirits are sold in the licensed trade, revelers can become violent from the effects of tainted drinks. Not just spiked drinks! But in our opinion, drinks sold in pubs and clubs can cause dangerous anger (from a form of anxiety) which leads to extremely violent behavior.
Food tainting allergies and treatment. It is absurd that society is highly concerned to legislate against food allergies, like the presence of nuts and pathogens, but does not recognize the presence of food tainting by prescription drugs. High profile cases against nut allergies saw the introduction of strict operating standards for food businesses, like take-away shops and industrial sandwich making plants. But where prescription drugs tainting is prolific, there has been no effort in combating this common problem. Although victims are often in an a dangerous altered state due to, for example, tainted workplace water and hot drinks, this isn't recognized and is in fact a completely politically-incorrect and a taboo issue.
This is when there are millions of victims suffering from food tainting related health problems, and who are not properly helped. Their illnesses can therefore go untreated for years. For example, people suffering from sleeping disorder problems (insomnia) can now only get treatment for mental health issues with anti-depressants. This can be an extremely difficult treatment to accept due to the side effects of anti-depressants, like feeling drowsy, and having problems thinking and talking. In our opinion, anti-depressants 'can' also be ineffective. In our opinion, the medication often does not work for many (8 to 12) hours until the patients digestive system has passed earlier tainted food, which has prevented the anti-depressant from reaching the intestine. (See NHS Choices sleeping disorders information at this link, here).
Many prescription drugs, and therefore food tainting, also slows the patients digestive system down in order to keep more nutrients albeit food in the patients digestive system longer to aid recovery. Bread-gluten also has an effect of slowing digestion, and helps tainted food to build up in the victims digestive system. Therefore, food tainting can cause health problems, like sleeping disorders, to cause medical treatment to be ineffectual.
Aromatherapy. Micro amounts of a drug are said by some clinicians to be effective when diluted many times into large amounts of a (material or) liquid. The science of this may be similar to something herbal chemists call aromatherapy. Micro amounts of chemicals are diluted many times, yet it is widely claimed the trace amounts of a drug have a medicinal effect. Micro amounts given orally are said by aromatherapy clinicians to be an effective treatment. We think food tainting is similar to aromatherapy. Although a drug is diluted in material or liquid, the drug still has (adverse) effects on the patient. This indicates that micro amounts of tainting from a prescription drug or chemical would cause adverse effects.

Tainting other workers food items is pure bullying which has a very destructive power over peoples behaviour, ability to work, and their ability to relax and sleep after work. This also makes them tired and fatigued and unfit for work the next day.

Bullying at work also involves the kettles and water heaters, sugar, coffee, as well as items like milk left in the fridge. Some delinquents even think it is acceptable to taint people’s personal food items they left in the fridge for a meal.

Modern day UK bureaucracies are excessively concerned with the cross contamination of foodstuffs through bacteria etc, but not about the commonplace tainting of food and drinks carried out by delinquent employees throughout the (UK) food chain.
UK government aids retailers with new-age feel-good-factor. Since 2009 the UK government introduced controversial 'USE-BY' dates, which superseded 'BEST-BEFORE' dates, and which are supposed to be better for public health. In short 'USE-BY' dates mean foods can be sold to the consumer for-use until the food is rotting. In our opinion, you can see this for yourself with milk USE-BY dates, as milk often turns sour or to yoghurt by the Use-by date.
Supermarkets know how long products can last. USE-BY dates have given supermarkets free range about food products shelf life. It is an ambiguous public health issue, which gives traders like supermarkets the ability to display products for much longer. This may also create more of the 'FEEL GOOD FACTOR' concerning the supermarkets image to consumers. As well as not having to replenish their shelves so often, supermarkets are also gifted the psychological effect of having more aesthetically pleasing shelves full of products. This is a government promoted idea, which is also an instance of modernist 'new-wave thinking' designed to create a false sense of security for consumers; thus creating economic advantages which are also advantageous to new-wave lifestyle idealisms and new-age religion.

Foods like dry-cure-bacon virtually no longer exist, as all meat is sold wet from added water. There is virtually no proper butchery, like hanging meat to dry, or dry-curing bacon. In modern meat production bacon is made by injecting saline into the meat, which is sliced very soon after.
Tainting taboo (The X Files). Food tainting is a topic that is so taboo in the UK, the matter cannot be discussed in any way. Although the subject of 'tainting' is widely known about, it is considered completely taboo to talk about the 'quality of food' and how this affects people in their day to day lives. For example, a popular view is that recognition of food tainting will simply bring down the economy. This misguiding-apathy has led to food tainting becoming a deranged form of amusement and bullying in everyday life, especially the workplace. No specific age group applies to the delinquents responsible for exerting food tainting as a form of deranged-amusement and bullying on anyone, but typically the less streetwise (educated) individual staff members. One aim is reward the dumming-down of traditionalism, so that new-age idealisms can benefit from the vacuum of traditionalism this creates.

You are not being silly if you think that you are affected by food tainting, which is a taboo subject to talk about, especially due to food-tainting's fashionable status in the UK!
Bullied by your own food items. Many of us have experienced feeling in a different state of mind, or at least unwell, after drinking coffees and other drinks from coffee-shops as well as at work. It has become acceptable behavior and perhaps fashionable recreation for young people to drink tainted drinks from coffee-shops. In the workplace drinks tainting is now expected and sometimes physically or mentally beneficial for workers to consume tainted drinks.
However bullying by tainting is not limited to obvious food items. Bullying at work also involves sabotaging communal kettles, and food items like milk in the fridge, even the personal food items you took to work for a meal; if you have left them vulnerable to attack. For example, it is all too easy to put a prescription drug pill into a kettle. Then even when a kettle is flushed, it still contains the chemical deep in the lime scale long after the water has been used up. Once the chemical gets into the lime scale, the kettle continues to provide micro-doses to the unsuspecting long after the initial offence. This is when micro-doses of prescription drugs can result in dangerous changes to the victim's thinking and mood, and makes them susceptible to danger and injury in the workplace.
More recently it has become commonplace to find an endless supply of people who think it's a great idea to add prescription chemicals to peoples lunches and drinks. This is pure bullying which has a very destructive power over other peoples behavior, ability to work, and their ability to relax and sleep after work. This also makes them tired and fatigued and unfit for work the next day. However, this issue goes on and on...

Are you one of many students wondering why they cannot sleep at night, and how you will cope with classes and lectures having not slept until the early hours of the morning, if at all?
We will try to help.
Widespread tainting. Sadly food tainting has become so widespread it is now very hard to avoid it. We live in a society that has evolved some very bad food production habits. These habits and their effects are not something anyone wants to debate right now. This is because food tainting is an economic issue that could stall the sale of goods. New-age idealists therefore reject it's existence through food quality apathy.
Tainted food ingredients. Instead of being concerned about the purity of the ingredients that go into food, food suppliers are more concerned with things like keeping their prices low. Demand for manufacturers to make food more cheaply has led to the ingredients being attained more and more cheaply albiet at lower and lower quality.
One example on a continuously tainted product is Bacon, which like all meat, has up to 100% water injected during manufacture. The saline which is injected to cure the bacon adds weight to make money from slim profit margins. But bacon is regularly and continuously highly tainted with chemicals albeit a mixture of prescription drugs. Although this goes on all the time, people tolerate it. Manufacturers probably stonewall attempts to report tainting problems. Bacon continues to be one of the most tainted products in shops and supermarkets. It is often so tainted it is a wonder it is eaten as it is so unfit for consumption. Yet bacon provides a benchmark for the high levels of food quality apathy that see no sign of dispelling.
Insomnia symptoms. Although the symptoms of tainted food varies, and this often causes anxiety and depression, we will focus on something called Insomnia because we suspect (albeit know) the main tainting agent in most kinds of Bread is Ritalin, and it's similar variants. This is the name given to a harrowing condition where sleep is disrupted, and in severe cases those affected cannot sleep at all. Insomnia affects all age groups. It often involves the inability to go to sleep in a timely way, or waking after a short amount of sleep. This results in poor sleep which makes the sufferer tired and irritated. It is common for the sufferer to become incapacitated and find normal daily activities extremely difficult.
Par-fried frozen chips amoung worst affected foods. Tainted food varies, and some of the worst affected foods are STAPLE_FOODS which people rely on to get enough food, like Bread and frozen-chips. Families can find it extremely difficult to get enough food if they don't use STAPLE_FOODS. This is because staple foods bulk up many families diets. For many families, the option of just eating non-manufactured or non-tainted food is simply not an option. Lack of time and money in low income homes make preparing raw ingredients like potatoes too time consuming and expensive. It is much more preferable to use staples like bread and frozen chips to keep families fed.
In short, it is literally the staples that we rely on that cause the most problems because of our eating habits and reliance on convenience foods, like bread. This causes us to be cornered by food tainting that is subtle and hard to detect in the food we consume. This often means it is very difficult to detect which food is causing our illnesses, ailments and difficulties caused by food tainting. But where food staples are concerned, these foods are often the most tainted.
In short, food tainting is a dirty trick instigated by people involved in the manufacture of foods. It is a very dark form of humor linked to dissent, lifestyle idealisms and political apathy. The rise of feminism and women’s rights were also factors in its growth. Due to this, food tainting became commonplace and widespread. Food tainting can be better described as a plague or epidemic.
If you have any health problems from food tainting, whether it is anxiety, Insomnia or any sort of disrupted sleep, we aim to help you with this problem. Looking at your food staples, you will probably find that your diet is supported by eating a lot of bread as well as staples like manufactured frozen-chips. The bread you eat may not seem all that injurious at first sight. But when you think about it, you may be eating toast for breakfast. Some sort of sandwiches at lunchtime. Then you may even have bread with your evening meal in some shape or form. This means you are eating a third to a half of a loaf of bread a day. This is a lot of bread where food tainting is concerned.
To stop things like anxiety, depression, insomnia, obesity and mental health problems, you have to stop using so much bread, and if possible stop using bread completely. You will find it is the staples like bread that are causing your health problems.
We all know our morning coffee from the coffee shop or coffee machine is tainted. We therefore recognize food tainting. We often use the benefits of food tainting, to increase physical energy and stimulate mental energy. We also accept this often results in mood changes and difficulties sleeping. While we can accept that tainting happens in some of our drinks, our societal expectations deny the same assumptions to our staple foods.
In short, food tainting is a dirty trick instigated by delinquent foolish people employed in the food chain. The manufacturers ignorance about tainting in their products, and indeed the wider 'stone-walling' that exists as a security-ring around food manufacturers, and a barrier of 'customer-service flunkies' which allows manufacturers to continue their food manufacturing production without addressing staffing and wholesale supply quality problems compounds ignorance of this issue.

Ritalin has significant side effects which include: difficulty sleeping, anxiety and irritability.
You can get these symptoms from trace amounts of prescription drugs tainting your food and drinks.
Ritalin is a powerful amphetamine which is commonly prescribed to school children by doctors.
Many young adults still take Ritalin long after finishing school.
Delinquents put their Ritalin in the food chain during food manufacture as a form of dissenting behavior.
Believing tainting tangible is not bananas and therefore not taboo!
Advice about tainting should also not be considered taboo.

Believing tainting is tangible.
Believing in food tainting is not taboo!
Our advice to you about tainting should therefore not be considered taboo.
Food tainting is poor quality food production.
It can be bullying.
It is not your imagination.
Is it any wonder there is a Insomnia pandemic from food tainting?
What can you do about this?
Avoid staples like par-fried Frozen-chips!
What can you do about this? Our advice is to avoid staples like Bread and Frozen-chips! If you think you have insomnia or any other medical problem due to a food tainting problem, you should be much more careful about how you consume food. This really does mean no more toast in the morning, sandwiches, and frozen-chips and bread with your evening meal. By avoiding STAPLES like bread you will get almost immediate health improvements, especially for insomnia sufferers. As you go on, try to use less processed foods that affect you. Once you get past the food staples stage, try to eliminate other things that give you health problems like flavored drinks. It's a trial and error process. This will become easier as you go along.
Once the severe Insomnia or anxiety symptoms go away, you will simply be left to refine the process by elimination. If you think you have health problems due to food tainting; it is better to avoid communal drinks away from home. This includes communal kettles, hot drinks machines, canned or bottled drinks, and cordial or drink flavorings often called 'squash'. Using communal drinks will only prolong your health problems, including lack of sleep, where you may need your mental energy to study and get through your course.
You may benefit from eating earlier in the day. For example, have your main meal at lunch time. Later, try to have a more simplistic food, for example, fresh fruit. Try to avoid very processed foods. You could benefit from drinking plenty of water, although you should check that a hard-water softening filter hasn't been fitted, as these are often prone to tainting water.
Your sacrifices will be well rewarded. Where you were tired and fatigued, you are likely to return to feeling rested and normal after a night's sleep. This could offer great benefits in getting through your course.
This article should not be considered medical advice.
You should not consider this medical advice. This article is for information only. It is also our protest about the severe affects of food tainting that lead to insomnia, anxiety and other medical conditions.
If you are suffering from a medical condition like anxiety or insomnia you should seek medical advice from a doctor.
Although there is undoubtedly evidence of food tainting from the food manufacturing industry, there may be reasons beyond your control regarding your medical conditions. For example, if your symptoms are severe, you should get help from a doctor rather than relying on trying to eliminate tainting issues.
For example, in some situations food and drink given to you by food-halls may be the only food you can get. We advise that you to try to eat wisely. Lay off the bread and chips. Do you really need all that gravy? Try to vary your diet to see if this helps.

Lifestyle idealisms compelled school children to behave too obediently. UK schools are now too intolerant to misbehavior. Medical attention resulted in a diagnosis for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD.

Seek medical advice from your doctor if you have any medical concerns.
If you have a medical problem, please see your doctor (GP). They can offer appropriate relief. This will keep you safe! Everything said here, none of this advice should be considered taboo. If you have been around this website, you should know the UK is experiencing a lot of issues right now. Where there is a Covid19 pandemic, is it any wonder there is an Insomnia epidemic from food tainting? But simple steps to improve your diet and the security of your personal food items could be beneficial and rewarding.

USA Portlanders refused mandatory water fluoridation for the first time in 1956.
Yet again in 2012, the Portland City Council made an attempt to side-step voters by ordering mandatory fluoridation, despite the fact that Portland voters had already rejected fluoridation three times.
In response to the City Council vote, citizens formed Clean Water Portland (now a part of Clean Water Oregon) and within days hundreds of Portlanders had signed on to help. In an incredible grassroots effort, Clean Water Portland's largely volunteer team gathered over 43,000 in-person signatures in 30 days, in a successful referendum campaign to force the Council's decision back to the voters.