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The introduction of University Tuition Fees, and the UK's dark religious schism Explained!
The pope's 1943 circular calling for new bible translations was siezed upon by scholars in 1956, and the (anarchic) plain-English translation of The Jerusalem Bible was published in 1966, revised 1985, ditto....

This all started when the Pope called for new translations
of the Bible; while the allies fought the Nazi's!
In 1943 Pope Pius XII encouraged Catholics to translate from the Hebrew and Greek texts, albeit NOT from their esteemed LATIN CATHOLIC VULGATE BIBLE
- in doing so the pontiff instigated a post-war population boom driven by the enthusiasm for church pluralism.
During World War II, and whilst Italy was a member of the Axis powers 1936–1945 military coalition that fought against the Allies; Pope Pius XII issued an encyclical letter (or circular) called Divino afflante Spiritu.
See the (Vatican's) Divino Afflante Spiritu circular (here)
(and also see, Jerusalem Bible history here)
Divino afflante Spiritu (or, by the divine inspiration of the spirit) is a papal encyclical letter (or circular) issued by Pope Pius XII on 30th September 1943 calling for new translations of the Bible into vernacular languages (or regional dialect) using the Biblical Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek original languages as a source instead of the Latin Vulgate.
The 1943 encyclical appeared on the feast of Jerome to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Pope Leo XIII's 1893 encyclical Providentissimus Deus; for when Pope Leo XIII gave the first formal authorization for the use of critical methods in biblical scholarship.
As a result, a number of Dominicans and other scholars at the École Biblique in Jerusalem translated the scriptures into French. The product of these efforts was the, French, Jerusalem Bible translation published as La Bible de Jérusalem in 1956.
The French translation served as the impetus for the (anarchic) plain-English translation of The Jerusalem Bible which was published in 1966.
The Jerusalem Bible was the first widely-accepted Roman Catholic English translation of the Bible since the 17th century, The Douay–Rheims Bible (NT 1582). Its introduction has also superseded the Church of England's centuries old The King James Version Bible (1604).
See Wikipedias article: 'Catholic Bible Principles of translation', here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Bible#Principles_of_translation

Pope Pius XII (left) & Hitler (right).
Pope Pius XII negotiations of the WW2 Reichskonkordat treaty with Nazi Germany and leadership of the Catholic Church remain controversial.
The Jerusalem Bible first appeared in 1966 as one of the very first Bibles to be published in accessible (modern) contemporary plain-English. It was hailed as a masterpiece of textual accuracy and modern style. This was at the height of post-war 1960's popular culture, when scholars siezed upon the opportunity to end the religious dominace of the British Monarchy and The British Empire; using the plain-English Jerusalem Bible, new-age religion and christian-anarchism to start their own (puritan) modernist churches.
The 1966 Jerusalem Bible, which was superceded by the 1985 New Jerusalem Bible (revision), has become the UK's leading plain-English New Testament Bible in the Church of England and UK Catholic churches.
Both UK Catholics & The Church of England now use the Jerusalem Bible (as a temporary or A-political bible), which renders the Jewish name of God in the Old Testament as 'Yahweh' in 6,823 places.
The Jerusalem Bible is now the PLAIN ENGLISH BIBLE (or religious law) of UK Catholic's and The Church of England.
To avoid the seriousness of life, UK clerics procrastinate religious matters by using the Jerusalem Bible (rather than their esteemed traditional Bible's).

In short, this explains why the British people are so interested in anarchy (the absence of government) for popular culture, and how Christian-anarchism has spread throughout the world as popular culture.

(UK) Catholics & The Church of England now have NO central Bible.
(A scholarly excerpt from catholicculture.org on Onlyism explains this).
"There was a time when the Vulgate could be described as an "official" translation of Scripture for the Latin rite of the Church... But while the Vulgate in its latest edition — the "Neo-Vulgate" promulgated by John Paul II — has a privileged position based on its use in ecclesiastical documents, the law has changed such that there is no "official" translation of Scripture for the Latin rite".
The Jerusalem Bible and the emergence of University Tuition Fees explained!
In celebration of the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (or closer ties with Rome), and their exegesis (or interpretation) of the Pope's 1943 circular letter, the Church of England and UK Catholic churches made the 1966 Jerusalem Bible their most central bible circa 2000.
The Church of England outline their 'Versions of the Bible': (here) https://www.churchofengland.org/supplementary-material (Section 26, subsection 6. ...Versions of the Bible and of the Psalms.)

The Church of England and UK Catholic Churches amicably withdrew from their CENTURIES OLD CENTRAL BIBLES OVER AGREEMENTS FOR CLOSER TIES BETWEEN THE UK & ROME. They therefore rejected their centuries old bible's; The King James Version Bible (1604); and The Douay–Rheims Bible (NT 1582); because the pronouns in the bibles were deemed too-archaic and politically-incorrect.
The Church of England and UK Catholic churches also rejected the common useage old-English words, like the so-called-archaic pronouns “Thee” and “Thou” which were revised to YOU. This was because, for example, it was said that people of less reading ability could not understand so-called archaic pronouns like “Thee” and “Thou”.
Going forward, by 2000 the British monarchy had shrunk and continues to be directed to shrink under King Charles III. The British monarchy had been arguably more successful under the UK governments social-democracy (UK) statewide status-quo zeitguist or spirit of the time. The British monarchy would therefore have preferred to stay with the UK governments social-democracy status-quo zeitguist, thereby being more able to retain their archetypical Church identity which traditionally upheld the King James Bible as their central bible.
But the Church of England's Synod are set on leading the Church of England in a completely different direction, which is primarily a much less archetypal Church-of-England with a (somewhat reticent) central 'Catholic and Reformed' identity (though now said to be a 'Catholic and apostolic identity'), as well as having new-age liturgy and ethics.
In short, when it comes to day to day politics, the British Parliament albeit the party's therein, follows popular culture as a method of defining its elected members political definitions, which may be for example, socialist (or social), or liberal which is the current stance of both of the main party's. Each of the main party's are then able to engage in politicking nationally as well as cross-party politicking using their party's chosen zeitguist or spirit of the time. This is typically followed in a similar fashion by the smaller party's.
It could therefore be argued that the Church of England's Synod is no longer influenced by the British monarchy (under the Synod's own devolved authority), such as it were under the SOCIAL-DEMOCRACY (UK) STATE zeitguist, albeit THE OLD SOCIAL-DEMOCRATIC (SOCIALIST) LABOUR PARTY'S zeitguist; that converted to Democratic-socialism, albeit to much more Liberalism, under the premiership of PM Tony Blair (1997-2007); and this became a movement circa 2000 which was colloquially named the 'Labour Lib-Lab-Lob'.
Tuition Fees introduced!
Tuition fees were first introduced across the entire United Kingdom in September 1998 under Tony Blair's New-Labour government.
Where students families earned over £35,000 a year they would be charged the full fees which amounted to £1,000 a year.
Students whose families earned less than £23,000 would be exempt from fees whilst those families earning between £23,000 and £35,000 a year would be charged a percentage of the fees on a sliding scale.

Tuition Fees became the next hotbed for the Millennium era parliamentary arguments, albeit a dumbed-down debate for-and-against University Tuition Fees, which was really amidst plans, and therefore arguments for-and-against, closer ties between the Church of England and Rome.
The arguments over University Tuition Fees raged-on in the UK House of Commons. The amount charged for annual Tuition Fees and Maintenance Loans steadily grew until it reached todays levels of £9,250 for Tuition Fees and a Maintenance Loan of £9,706 outside London.The outcome has seen senseless interest rates linked to the Retail Price Index (RPI), all charged to student debt; said to average £48,470, but is realistically around £100,00 of debt within 10 years, which is around the time when graduates earn enough to make full voluntary repayments.
Thanks to high inflation, the UK government reduced interst to 7.6% (from 13.5%) which is now costing poor grads CIRCA £212 WEEK to repay £100,000 in 30 years).
But most students are thought to simply accrue compound-interest on their student debt which amounts to £727,000 after 40 years. Check this link to find our calculations spreadsheet.

See this link to: www.Gov.uk/13.7pc_interest
Since we last updated this page, new information has become available about RPI+3%=13.5% interest rate which indicates the governments low interest cap may only apply. The interest rate you pay may therefore be around 7.6% (for plan 2 loans).
There are no dates on the announcement.
If the government decides the low interest rate cap no longer applies during the year (2024), the interest rate on e.g. Plan 2 Loans during the period 1 September 2023 until 31 August 2024 will be 13.5%, the applicable rate of RPI for the period (source .Gov.uk).
As opposed to this
This is one of Tony Blair's New Labour' sweeping changes to UK Education Policies which was designed to create a platform which would undermine the British monarchy and the Church of England, thereby allowing Catholicism to take over their Church. Therefore anyone who thought Tony Blair's New-Labour government' reintroduction of Tuition Fees was at least a carefully constructed piece of legislation couldn't be more wrong! It was all the while surrounded by rows with the Tories over things like dumbed-down THIRD WAY POLITICAL SPENDING, also known as the Public–private partnership, as well as the frought debate over secret plans for closer ties with Rome, aka the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission; all but meaning the end of the protestant Church of England.
UK Labour PM Tony Blair considered the inheritance of Thatcherism to be the Labour Party's mandate; to use extreme forms of neoliberalism or Third_way financing ideas to carry out their election pledges for new schools and hospitals etc. The combined power of a popular UK Labour Government headed by the charismatic Prime Minister Tony Blair, and a collective fraternity of protestant-reformers determined to water down Britain's monarchy & aristocracy created a perfect storm to force The Church of England's synod to change its policies to uphold their protestant-reformist views, on e.g. church-pluralism, women & gay clergy, homosexuality, and children's issues etc.
The political fallout from decades of dumbing-down has effectively led to the Church of England's Catholic & Reformed identity (though now said to be a 'Catholic and apostolic identity') (Section: A REFORMED CHURCH, Para 3). Though we see little evidence of the Church of England's Catholicity publically, the Church of England is now primarily a 'Catholic & apostolic' organisation with no more than a few traditional hymns to preserve its identity.
But what will your university degree investment be worth after the '2035 new petrol & diesel car ban' ?
The UK will ban petrol & deisel from 2035!
The UK has legislated to ban new petrol and diesel cars from 2035 in favour of electric cars; pushed back from 2030. Soon after 2035 petrol & diesel fuel will be banned too! Existing petrol & diesel cars will be taxed off the roads by higher emissions standards, along with HGV's and virtually all petroleum use.

Crude oil is the primary source of energy production.
Everyone wants to SAVE THE PLANET, but...
The UK is addicted to oil, and plans to go cold turkey trying to stop using oil virtually overnight from 2035; Quietly introducing electric cars, and banning petrol and diesel cars after decades of population & settlement' expansion;
All the while, UK law paradoxically allows cars and vans with so-called clean Euro engines up to 18+ years old to avoid the congestion charge in towns and cities across the UK!
But how can any van engine have clean emissions after 18 years of albeit commercial work? This is where the up-to 18 year old vans used in the London 2023 ULEZ expansion zone don't even face more stringent annual MOT emissions checks; demonstrating how the London ULEZ expansion is a poorly conceived farce!
Soon after 2035, by 2040 is a guide; the UK government will discourage the use of petrol and diesel; by charging:
higher congestion-charge (Tax),
higher road-tax,
higher exhaust emissions standards (Tax & more stringent MOT's),
AND higher fuel prices at the pumps (Tax).
The UK has already legislated to ban 'new' petrol & diesel car sales from 2035.
This is the end of UK domestic motoring as we know it! - Perhaps the end of the car-less UK economy too!
From 2030 low income workers will find it increasingly unaffordable to obtain used-vehicles for work transport. This is when very old used-cars often known as jalopies have been Britains backbone for work transport since the car became commonplace; especially now that the ability to commute to work is essential for most workers.

In short, a replacement electric-car battery that has been fitted to an electric car with the slightest existing battery circuit fault may melt down, destroying the electric-car.
Anyone in the basic mobile phone bracket will have experience of swollen mobile phone batteries and phone-casings that don't fit over the swollen battery. Some will even have seen mobile phone battery fires and exploding batteries. These kinds of faults commonly appear in mobile phones after 3 to 5 years.
Electric-car batteries are very similar to mobile phone batteries because they have similar components, like the metal Lithium which is used to generate electricity in the battery cell. They therefore are likely to have the same traits, faults and lifespan as mobile phone batteries. They are after all the same kind of rechargeable compact battery which are typically very delicate, and have been said by insurance companies that, 'they can become damaged by low impact collisions, and this makes them a fire hazard especially in car parks'.
Electric-car batteries will probably also become damaged by fast-charging; where manufacturers have advised against using fast-chargers or any other charger than the manufacturers own charging equipment supplied with the vehicle. Doing so will invalidate the cars warranty.
Why is it then that people seem to think that electric-car batteries will last and last for e.g. 20 years or more, in the same way that jalopy petrol and diesel engines do? Jalopy cars having been the backbone of low income workers transport for decades.
From the information availble to us, the evidence shows that many cheap electric-cars, and this could be the majority, have virtually no range left after just 9 years. This could be the next crisis for low income used-car buyers, who may struggle to find any used electric-car with any viable range left in the battery.
Anyone who has tried to replace the battery in their mobile phone will also know that even the slightest battery incompatability or the slightest existing battery circuit fault in their phone, will lead to their mobile-phone and the phones replacement-battery destroying itself. This means that it may be all but impossible to properly repair old electric-car batteries albiet the individual battery-cells.
A more obvious barrier to replacing electric-car batteries is the lack of dealers who can sell you a new electric-car battery for older electric-cars. Though a new electric-car battery could be economically unviable due to it's cost, which is likely to be in the region of two-thirds of the electric-cars new market value. The slightest fault in the older electric-car's circuitry can cause the new battery to destroy itself when it is installed. There may be no way for the engineer to determine whether this is happening until it is too late; after the battery has destroyed itself and the cars circuitry.
A Channel 4 Dispatches programme outlined the reduced range of a 9 year old electric car.
The uncontrolled post-war population and settlement boom - that now demands humans stop using oil & fossil fuels.
The subsequent product was religious-pluralism; and multiculturalism, which can be defined as a state's capacity to effectively and efficiently deal with cultural plurality within its sovereign borders. Multiculturalism has been described as a "salad bowl" and as a "cultural mosaic", in contrast to a "melting pot".

Given that the Roman Catholic Church has a duty to Catholicism, it could respectfully be argued, that it was undesirable to 'encourage' so much religious-pluralism and multiculturalism, which has lead to cultural conflict between (religious) social groups and the struggle for dominance of their values, beliefs, and practices.
With considerable immigration to the UK after the Second World War, it could be argued, that religious-pluralism and multiculturalism leads to population and settlement growth; where evidence shows human activity and our use of fuels like petrol, diesel, gas, and coal is highly likely to be the main cause of global warming. When these fuels are burned they release greenhouse gases which trap heat in the earth's atmosphere, causing the air and seas to heat up which changes the climate.
May we therefore assume, that there were difficulties surrounding the Vatican's decisions in 1943, due to Italy's membership of the Axis powers (1936–1945) military coalition that fought in World War II against the Allies.
The decision to encourage Roman Catholics to translate the Bible-scriptures from the Hebrew and Greek texts, rather than from Catholicism's esteemed and revered Latin Catholic Vulgate Bible was therefore questionable; in that the encouragement of religious-pluralism and multiculturalism has led to massive population and settlement growth since WW2. It is thought that this decision very much needs to be redressed and reversed.
Pius XII was elevated to the position of Pope in 1939, just before the outbreak of World War II. He was the architect and main negotiator of the Reichskonkordat in 1933 and would largely continue his lukewarm response to Adolf Hitler and the Nazis in Germany.
What is the Pope doing about this?
Pope Francis launches consultation on Church reform
Much of the reporting of this two-year consultation has focused on some of the issues that often appear to dominate reporting on the Catholic Church: the role of women for example, and whether they will ever be ordained as priests (the Pope says "no").
While those topics are often of concern to some Catholics, other areas which traditionally dominate Catholic social teaching, such as alleviating poverty, and increasingly, climate change,

Pope Francis will 'give' the results of the (climate change) consultation by writing an 'apostolic exhortation'.
The consultation process, called "For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation and Mission", will work in three stages:
In the "listening phase", people in parishes and dioceses will be able to discuss a wide range of issues. Pope Francis said it was important to hear from those who were often on the fringes of local Church life such as women, pastoral workers and members of consultative bodies
The "continental phase" will see bishops gather to discuss and formalise their findings.
The "universal phase" will see a month-long gathering of the bishops a the Vatican in October 2023
The Pope is expected then to write an apostolic exhortation, giving his views and decisions on the issues discussed.
If the Portuguese Chega Party can provide the answer to University Tuition Fees repayments, then why can't the UK US?
It may come as no surprise to you that the rise of University Tuition Fees has become an international issue, all in line with British fashions of increasing university tuition fees real cost and the impact it has on students lives. Since we visit social media on this issue, we came across this bizarre news article, claiming the Portuguese Chega Party proposes to adopt the 'English Model' for their model of university tuition fees. But unlike the 'English Model' the portuguese Chega Party proposes reimbursing grads tuition fees for every year they work in Portugal.
We think this could be a great idea in the UK? It only tickled us, that the Chega Party's model is nothing like the UK model, where the cost of tuition fees can reach unaffordable repayment amounts in just a few years, especially where the student is not able to maintain the interest on their student loan.