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Plain-English Bible revisions supplanted hundreds of years of UK tradition in the Church of England & Catholicism.

Piles of Paper

​​Big construction-companies were provided with gifted-planning-permission-packages; in return for 'provisos', like, Community-centre-cafe-Churches; which was seen as a kind of tax at the height of new-political-rhetoric which promoted the scheme through local and national television news etc.

Despite the global climate emergency, thousands of house building developments are continuing to be fast-tracked by provisos which assist new religious groups to expand their churches, - as in this BBC report (see link), where plans for even larger developments including New Garden-cities have already been submitted.  .....(See more below).

Meanwhile - So called 'modern' Plain-English Bible's are set to supplant hundreds of years of Church of England & UK Catholic traditions.

Britains most historic and esteemed central bibles, The Douay–Rheims Bible and the King James Bible', that underpinned British religion and society for centuries, are threatened with extinction by fashionable plain-English versions.

This is despite representing hundreds of years of enlightenment, tradition, rhetoric, authority; and agreement between the Church of England & Catholicism; not least the very fabric of British society through time honored tradition and use of
Olde-English language, which reverberated through to the core of British society.

The Douay–Rheims Bible (Challoner version) still often remains the Bible of choice of more traditional English-speaking Catholics.
New religious groups that claimed to support environmentalism increased urban sprawl when they secretly connived with the planning-authorities to furnish themselves with new Churches and ready-made parishes (often community-cafe-and-faith-centers), all obtained with Free 'provisos' paid-for by the construction-companies.

New Church building corruption link.

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Pope Benedict XVI introduced a structure in circa 2008 to welcome disillusioned Anglicans into the Catholic fold after secret meetings were held at the Vatican with Church of England bishops (in 2008).
Both Bible's are being replaced by fashionable plain-English versions, over many decades, and for example, since the publication of the 1966 Jerusalem Bible', and since circa 2008 secret meetings with the Vatican and Church of England bishops; to welcome disillusioned Anglican defectors into Catholicism, as changes in doctrine and moral teaching divided Anglicans; for example, the ordination of women, views on sexuality, openly gay clergy, and the blessing of homosexual unions.

Earlier in the process, the Vatican published its apostolic constitution, Anglicanorum Coetibus, (see links), allowing Anglican clergy to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church while maintaining aspects of their spiritual heritage.
Despite moves by Anglicans albeit the Church of England to enter into closer ties with Rome, the renaissance of plain-English bible culture continues to become ever more fashionable, especially with modernist new-age-Churches; as British archetypes are superseded by modernist religion and lifestyle idealisms.
​Put another way, Political-factions or protestant-reformers not unlike the Puritans of the 16th and 17th centuries who sought to purify the Church of England of Roman Catholic practices; have reached the advanced stage of challenges to (UK) State-religion, albeit the Church-of-England; by coercing the Church of England to move towards a pluralistic Church identity; using rights-issues and lifestyle-idealisms to gain support for changing The Church of England's synod's policies to implement church pluralism.
Oliver Cromwell and his Puritan-led parliament banned Christmas in mid-17th century England.
Church of England religious communities are split.
The once archetypal Church-of-England, or Anglican Church, is now more of a diverse umbrella-organization, from a minority of ultra-traditionalists and middle-way-traditionalists, to a gaining majority of 'modernist' new-age-Churches (& schools), some of which are sponsored by Catholicism; and all encompassed by the Church-of-England's somewhat reticent central 'Catholic and apostolic identity (see link here, Doctrine.. Para 4, Sentence 6)' since c. 2008 secret meetings with the Vatican. (For a visual-description, also see: Anglican Church Services (video), AND Church of England videos here.)
​The British-Religious-establishment has almost completely conceded to using variants of new-age-religion (and plain-English Bibles), preferring: 'modernist' New-age, Methodist-style and Protestant-reformed hymnals and liturgy to Church of England archetypes; which ambiguously translates as the (UK's) new State-religion; typically actively-excluding the UK-Roman-Catholic-church'-existence and example, although the Church of England claims to be both Catholic and Reformed and sustains a traditional Catholic order; and although the Church of England is split, up to the highest level, regarding its position as the officially endorsed (UK) State-religion.
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New-age services form one of three virtually separate community Church of England Sunday services.
Here, we can show you a video-example of 'what it is like for people!!' attending (new-age) Catholic & reformed Anglican Communion (aka The Church of England) Sunday Church Services.
In this example, very old people attend 'very traditional' (Catholic & reformed) Sunday Church Service at 8am, including 'participating in full communion with the Roman Catholic Church'.

This is while there is plenty of time for two more youthful new-age styles of Anglican Church Services to also take place throughout Sunday mornings; in a total of three virtually-separate-denominations.

Please also see: Collapse of the post-war consensus  (here:)
Tory education cuts.

uccessive government education budget cuts and dilapidated temporary-school-buildings had led to pledges by Tony Blair's pre-1997 Labour opposition to the UK government for new schools; under the banner of the newly-rebranded and pluralistic Academy-schools and Free-schools.
The UK Labour Party's political rhetoric described the financing and delivery of the new pluralistic Academy-schools and Free-schools via newly formed and highly controversial neoliberal or Third-way political ideas.
The UK Labour Party continued to develop the (Academy and) Free schools idea as if this was their own newly conceived concept, although the Free-schools-movement was conceived by the now defunct American education reform movement during 60s & 1970s. But as no serious media analysis was ever really conducted regarding their concept' and development', the (UK) Free Schools' concept was never regarded as a carbon copy of the American idea.

Up until 2000 (UK) s​chools had been badly affected by legal-bureaucracy, teacher shortages and budget cuts over successive governments. To bridge teacher shortages, schools spent enormous amounts of their budgets bussing students to classes at other schools using private coach companies. Schools became entrenched in what became a bussing financial and time wasting farce of handing enormous amounts of money to coach-transport companies, and continued in this way though they could have used less costly options; like, obtaining their own passenger-carrying vehicles (PCVs) and employing drivers. However, these kinds of bureaucracies and shortages existed across schools, under the banner of non-profit charitable trust's.

Due to schools extremely bureaucratic business led ethos, public-buildings
criteria (law) as well as exhaustive health and safety procedures (law) etc, this had led to continued budget shortfalls.
Meanwhile, the UK Labour Party continued to use populism to influence the public to support their ideas. They argued their case for public finances; because the post-war infighting between the once powerful Tory-Conservatives and the underclass of Trade-unionist Socialist-Labour were just dirty tricks against the other, and not leading to their election pledge aims of delivering things - like badly needed new schools and hospitals. To this day neither party has won great gains, except that Liberalism has thrived, while minority groups sustain and uphold virtually absent discrimination.

The (reformist) policies that did the most destruction to the core of British society and British traditionalism stems from the premiership of, Conservative, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher (1979-1990) and the UK Conservative Party's policy of POPULAR CAPITALISM.

Despite Thatchers attempts to buy populism by selling off (UK) state owned assets, the UK Labour Party were poised for revenge, and took power under Labour PM Tony Blair's premiership 1997-2007; when the UK Labour Party were said to convert to Thatcherism and it's c
ontroversial neoliberal or New Right ideas.
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Inequality in England’s schools appears to have increased following government reforms, with fewer children from less well-off backgrounds now attending higher rated schools.
Neo construction economy.

UK Labour PM Tony Blair
considered the inheritance of Thatcherism to be the Labour Party's mandate; to use extreme forms of 
neoliberalism or Third_way financing ideas to carry out their election pledges for new schools and hospitals etc. The combined power of a popular UK Labour Government headed by the charismatic Prime Minister Tony Blair, and a collective fraternity of protestant-reformers determined to water down Britain's monarchy and aristocratic rulers created a perfect storm to force The Church of England's synod to change its policies to uphold their protestant-reformist views, on e.g. church-pluralism, women & gay clergy, homosexuality, and children's issues etc.

Protestant-reformers were therefore gifted the elements they needed to achieve their aims, which has even included the fascinating development of free gifts from (housing) developers, who were mandated to provide, for example but typically, free new church buildings as part of the 'provisos' added to planning permission framework for large housing developments. Planning-permission 'provisos' mandated the developer to finance or construct e.g. Shops, Schools, Health centers, Community and Faith-centers. For example, the development of Beam park, Rainham in London, includes a new faith centre (see links).

Using populist environmentalist politics, protestant-reformers underpinned their appetite for housing developments with provisos for so-called wildlife-corridors. Wildlife-corridors are officially strip(s) of vegetation that link natural areas to urban areas, but could be more accurately described as scraps of reclaimed-derelict-land, albeit tiny pieces of reclaimed overgrown-wasteland which is renatured into pseudo nature reserves. In many cases they were already overgrown public-footpaths and public-woodland which have become too derelict to use for public recreation, for example but typically, on steep slopes where construction is not viable. Where a labour workforce was needed for tidying wildlife-corridors, a voluntary workforce was created through workfare schemes for the unemployed, which could be gained from the UK governments Jobcentre-Work-Programme; which is a liberal re-education program for the unemployed. This has created all sorts of advantages, not least a surge in (Methodist style) faith-interested-groups eager to re-educate idle socialists. Although wildlife-corridors have been hailed as a great success, the ratio of land given to the public for wildlife-corridors is tiny in proportion to the massive (housing) developments which are now often sprawling outside of town boundries and on greenbelt land.

Prosperity since the 1990's has also been driven by the public's mainly matriarchal appetite for Thatchers liberal principles, like POPULAR CAPITALISM, and the mirage of money said to be made from (mortgaged) house-buying; which is also the basis for protestant-reformers albeit the new-age-churches idealisms. For example: much less reliance on the state for housing and social security; bureaucratic Universal Credit income-based benefits-schemes for government-announcement-led funding for things like 'childcare', natural healthy living; as a cure all, more support for domestic violence and egalitarian issues, more support for the gay community, more emphasis on technology from fast internet to the latest mobile phone technology, and raising the school leaving age (for children) in England and Wales to 18 (see link) in 2015.

Things like the never-ending prosperity created from the advancement of the Computer-&-internet-revolution (aka) the Digital-Revolution (aka) the Third-Industrial-Revolution has led to a buoyant UK economy through the 1990's, which is also attributed to the advancement of public access to the internet since circa 1989.
Since the 1990's ​housing development builds have become generally larger and more efficient using more streamlined government planning processes, and using coefficient business methods, like, streamlined production workflows, for example, (self-employed) piecework production companies. For example, construction workers generically work in teams as separate (self employed) companies and workers; carrying out construction and fitting processes in streamlined production-line process. This may be better reflected by the way the government is set to hand big housing development companies the right to decide their own planning permission. This comes as New homes are set to get 'automatic' planning-permission in a UK housing construction industry shake-up by the government.

Due to the enormous amount of construction since the 1990's, and to create more finance for (housing) developments, the government and local authorities have also learnt how to create more finance from existing assets.

Once frowned upon, local authorities can now make deals with developers, albeit through the Act's of Parliament to allow this, so that e.g. community-school's non-profit charitable trusts can sell multiple sites of state-school land & playing fields to pay for e.g. one (1) new state school.
New religious groups connived with UK planning-authorities...

Construction-companies were provided with fast-tracked planning-permission for massive housing developments in return for 'provisos' (see links) that are financed by the developer, to construct (for example) Shops, Schools, Health centres, Community cafe and Faith-centres, Children's nurseries, Open-spaces, Public footpaths, Children's play areas, Water features, Nature-reserve-corridors (footpaths) and Woodland-areas (revived by charities from dereliction), as well as things like Run-off-ponds so that housing can be built on flood-plains etc; (this comes amid Calls to stop building homes on flood plains).

Provisos' are added to the planning-application as a 'Free gift' to sweeten the planning permission application.  - The planning application is then rubber stamped by the Local Authority, because this makes the planning process more politically correct and underpins (local authority) government political-spin-rhetoric that 'local community values' are being represented; no need to mention any downsides like building on flood plains.

Many of the planning 'provisos' have satisfied the increased infrastructure requirements for so-called 'new communities' increased population, although this is better described as urban-sprawl. In some cases there would be a need for Roads, Motorway junctions and Public footway-bridges over roads, which are paid for by the government

Since 1979, larger and larger housing developments have doubled the size and populations of UK towns. This is continuing, as in this BBC report, where the plans for even larger developments of New Garden-cities have already been submitted or started, like the 'now infamous
' Black Country Garden City.
Automatic planning-permission for UK wide housing developments.

UK housing developments are set to dramatically increase, as New homes are set to get 'automatic' planning-permission in a UK housing construction industry shake-up by the government.
Free provisos corruption.

It could be argued that, there are a considerable number of new-religious-groups more interested in redeveloping the countryside than they are in saving it! This is because they are too busy conspiring to obtain the Free provisos of new multipurpose church buildings. For example, (see link) in the Beam Park 3000 homes regeneration scheme, the development also includes a C2C railway, 2 schools, retail spaces, a gym, a nursery, a multi-faith centre, and two state of the art energy centres.
New religious groups can now be gifted new church buildings that are Free or cheap to rent for a few hours, that comes with a ready-made congregation by housing development design.
Not old (church) buildings with high maintenance and heating costs, that are cold and gloomy with old fashioned archetypes, spooky graves and creepy (Tory) remembrance stones throughout.

In short, much of the new amenities for Britain's massive new housing developments are financed and constructed as 'Free provisos' by developers. These amenities are virtually free to local-government. This is now a typical framework for public facilities and amenities; as well as a forefront for on-site private-investments. Examples of amenities include: Shops, Schools, Health centers, Community centers, Faith-centers,  State of the art energy centers, Children's nurseries, Open-spaces, Public footpaths, Children's play areas, Water features, Nature reserves, Woodland areas, and Run-off ponds where housing has been built on flood-plains, etc.

Therefore, it may also be argued, that corruption exists at local-government planning level, because planning is highly influenced by new-religious-groups conspiring to obtain the Free provisos for new church buildings.
This is where the UK economy is now dependant its construction-economy for an economy, and where central-government continues to overrule local planning decisions in favor of the UK construction economy.

You can view a snapshot of typical housing developments, both small and large, here:
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The development of Beam park, Rainham in London, includes a new faith centre.
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The Beam park development also includes: a c2c railway station, two schools, retail spaces, a gym, a nursery, a multi-faith centre, two state-of-the-art energy centers, a three-form-entry primary school, play areas for children and an exciting community space, with publicly accessible green space,
New-age religious groups are therefore the greedy driving force behind the UK's construction-economy, by conspiring to obtain the Free provisos of more new Church buildings; although their environmentalist agenda is paradoxically preaching the creation of millions of new homes; and all done like an awful social experiment!
New age religious groups are therefore more interested in redeveloping the countryside to build their new-age Churches, than they are in saving it!
New-age religious groups plan faith communes.

The way new religous groups are able to inappropriately influence politics and planning applications with provisos is potentially a criminal scam, certainly an immoral ploy, and is yet more multiculturalism sponsored by protestant reformers and the UK government.
Why is this a potentially a criminal scam, or ploy? New religious groups can now be gifted new church buildings that are Free or cheap to rent for a few hours, that comes with a ready-made congregation by housing development design.

ew religious groups also know the provisos of new community-centre (church) buildings will quickly fall into disuse and disrepair. This means they can later bid for full ownership, probably at a cut price. They can then expand their 'new-age communities', away from the established churches, with uncontrolled freedoms to practice new-age commune activities.
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Housing developments 'provisos' can 'gift' new religious group's new church buildings that are free or cheap to rent for a few hours, and come with a readymade congregation by design.
The UK's supernatural house price buoyancy.

House-buying has become one of Britain's most popular investments since the dawn of Thatcherism in 1979, when Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher popularised house-buying with her ideas of POPULAR CAPITALISM. Thatcher exploited monetary-inflation, which is a sustained increase in the supply of money of a country (or currency area), and which has continued to inflate house-prices.
The housing-construction-boom started by Thatcher c. 1979 was continued by Tony Blair's neoliberal Labour Government from 1997, and by successive UK governments thereof to date; all driven by matriarchal lifestyle idealisms since Thatcherism, and who continue to develop societal house-buying expectations of young adults.

The UK government continues to take every opportunity to offer
financial assistance and incentives to help first-time-buyers purchase houses.

More recently, house prices, which are maintained by Britain's house-price-fixing cabal; have developed an almost supernatural buoyancy. This has been made even more evident during the Covid19 recession.
Rise of UK Liberalism.

The UK's successive neoliberal governments since 1997 have seen relatively continuous economic growth, although there were also periods of recession, and therefore, successive boom-to-bust, bust-to-boom economies, and where the UK economy is now again on the downturn due to the Covid19 recession.
Since Labour PM Tony Blair's premiership 1997-2007, successive neoliberal governments have enjoyed parallel economic gains from things like: the endless interventionist roles of the private sector and charities in fastracking liberal reeducation programmes using a certain impunity from the law which assists the UK government's reforms, enough of a housing market (cabal) for continuous nationwide construction of new housing, alongside the seemingly endless gains from the Computer-&-internet-revolution (aka) the Digital-Revolution (aka) the Third-Industrial-Revolution.
Reasons for continued growth of the housing market are ambiguous, but the UK's high birth rate (though certain studies said it to be falling), mortality, life expectancy and immigration are factors; as well as relatively new concepts, like, buy-to-let housing (markets), which stems from the new concept of (consumer) buy-to-let mortgages in the mid-to-late 1990s. Since then the buy-to-let housing market has grown strongly, and has become a profitable small-scale business. Hence the popularity of risking-to-reward (from UK government announcement sponsored) investments, that are better described as the latest handouts to aid the UK governments construction-economy prospects.
Successive neoliberal UK governments have enjoyed parallel economic-booms from things like: the role of the private sector, continuous nationwide housing and public projects construction, and the Computer-&-internet-revolution
Printing money for quantative easing, and who knows for what else?

By August 2020 the issue of UK borrowing for public-spending would develop into borrowing beyond 100.5% of GDP for the first time since 1961.
Successive UK governments frantically competed to quench their seemingly endless thirst for public-construction-projects using extreme forms of neoliberalism or third_way financing by scheming with the private finance initiative or PFI until at least 2016.

For example and typically, PFI was used to create:
local-government-projects like hospitals and academy-schools, but also things like, (super)-police-stations and police-operational-facilities; like, the firearms-training-facility in Portishead for UK police forces, costing £16m (and which had to be rebuilt following a fire started by anarchists); and which is all part of a Private Finance Initiative or PFI deal, worth more than £100m.
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£129 million Avon and Somerset Police Accommodation PFI Project.
​​Where PFI was used for public-projects, this didn't require immediate payment from the public-purse, because PFI is financed by controversially-expensive leases. Since the conception and implementation of the Private Finance Initiative or PFI, it has been criticised for the excessive profits gobbled-up by private companies at the expense of the taxpayer.

To provide a benchmark of Private Finance Initiative or PFI spending; creative thinking using developers-deal-money and PFI finance added additional power to controversial UK government spending, for e.g. Crossrail total cost £14.8bn to £18.25bn, High Speed 2 (HS2) total cost £80.7bn to £88.7bn, and the UK Government's Major Projects Portfolio total whole-life-cost £442bn from the 2018-19 snapshot.
Public and private construction projects like these have created continuous jobs and prosperity, which in turn have created the buoyancy for the ideal political environment for rafts of neoliberal legislation, where ideas of neoliberal-capitalism (free-market) have allowed the anarchism (voluntary cooperation without government) in charity status leadership to lead to things like: Academy schools, Free-schools and University Tuition Fees.
Covid-19 drives UK national debt to £2tn.

Post coronavirus lockdown, the UK national debt stands at £2tn debt for first time since March 1961, and which pushes national debt to 100.5% of GDP. For the financial year (April 2020 to April 2021), Coronavirus could have cost the UK anywhere from £263bn to £391bn, according to the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR).
Rip-off of new schools were financed with playing fields sold for cash.

Many new public-projects were directed by the local-government or the Schools themselves, who often self-financed their projects using developers-deal-money from the sale of school assets. In exchange the developer was able to build on e.g. the school site, playing fields and an equal amount of farmland. E.g. Schools typically exchanged, two-state-secondary-schools sites, to be rebuilt as one-larger-school-site. Typically the schools doubled in capacity, housing, for example but typically, in the region of 2000 eleven to eighteen year old students.

so see: Raising the school leaving age in England and Wales, which was changed to 18 in 2015, and is therefore the new school leaving age (if not in education or training).

It could be argued, a good amount of new-schools were paid for VIRTUALLY-FREE to local-government, at the community's expense of: school assets, farmland, huge school numbers increases compared to previous numbers, as well as additional damage to the environment like increased traffic and exhaust emissions.
A new and untested system of pedagogy emerges.

It is arguable the pedagogy structure has changed and certain qualities of infrastructure and pedagogy have been lost. It has yet to be arbitrarily proven how more than doubling the number of 11 to 18 year old students to typically 2000 students under one roof has a nugatory effect on students learning and welfare, not less changes in school discipline which now relies on military-style-discipline of exclusion and virtual-borstal's like e.g. Sky College 'behaviour-problem-schools', which has long been in use since 2011.
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The five new major approaches to pedagogy are Constructivist, Collaborative, Integrative, Reflective and Inquiry Based Learning.
Sweeping changes to the education system.

Since the 1990's, protestant-reformers (which really translates as New-age-churches), used rights-issues and lifestyle-Idealisms to introduce their model of education-policies in Schools up to University-level-education. They implemented sweeping changes to the education system modeled on their religious idealisms.
New-age-churches joined forces with protestant-reformers who supported or benefited from their aims, like for example, (independent) Methodist style churches. Together under the broad-banner of the new-age-church they directed their new lifestyle idealisms through popular culture and charities, so that all members of society, especially children, could participate in their religious beliefs. For example: showing a happy respectful demeanor, showing enjoyment in learning and work, quiet and peaceful togetherness, refraining from dissenting behavior, increased physical effort and speed of work, high degrees of respect for women, homosexuals, religion, teamwork and inclusive ethics.

The new-age-churches also used every opportunity to reeducate the people that came into contact with government agencies and their employed-charities, to accept their societal-idealism advances of prescriptive ethics, such as: distributing charity (church) food instead of giving state benefits and social-security-loans to the less affluent, mandatory participation in charity (church) volunteer-work re-education programmes, healthy eating over hunger, exercise and non-medicinal therapies as a cure-all (by the NHS).
FREE University Tuition Fees 1962 to 1998.

destroyed the harmony that existed as 'UK-State-religion', albeit by sending the Church-of-England spiraling into pluralism, and with it access to FREE University Tuition. Protestant-reformers albeit their new-age churches collaborated using popular culture to rewrite morals, often using sexual-impropriety and gender bias, and this has destroyed the (religious) agreements that existed under this regime.

Jump to - FREE University Tuition Fees 1962 to 1998, here:

Jump to - University Fees Timeline, here:
The result is so severe, that for example, Catholicism now has NO CENTRAL BIBLE.
(We provide the following concluding evidence of this fact.)

An ex
cerpt from (Onlyism) describes this.
There was a time when the Vulgate could be described as an "official" translation of Scripture for the Latin rite of the Church...  But while the Vulgate in its latest edition — the "Neo-Vulgate" promulgated by John Paul II — has a privileged position based on its use in ecclesiastical documents, the law has changed such that there is no "official" translation of Scripture for the Latin rite.
Currently, both UK Catholics & Anglicans observe the partially Jewish-language-worded Jerusalem Bible as a temporary or A-political-representative-bible, which became a popular plain-English new testament bible after a number of Dominicans, scholars, & FICTION WRITERS such as contributor  J. R. R. Tolkien translated the scriptures into French at the École Biblique in Jerusalem.

The product of these efforts was the French Jerusalem Bible translation published as La Bible de Jérusalem
in 1956, which served as the impetus for the (anarchic) English translation of ​​The Jerusalem Bible which was published in 1966.
Download and read the 1966 Jerusalem Bible, here: Jerusalem_Bible.pdf​​. Check your Downloads-folder to find the download (No mobiles d/l). 
The Church of England say, '​​​The Jerusalem Bible (TJB) is one of The Church of England's most central versions of the Bible, and is recognised as one of today’s most modern plain-English translations'.

In our opinion, the Jerusalem Bible uses Jewish-language, which renders God's name in Hebrew as Yahweh, rather than as Lord in 6,823 places of the Old Testament;
and this makes reading the Old Testament really difficult for non-Jewish-language readers.
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The Church of England outline their 'Versions of the Bible': (here)
The Church of England outline their 'Versions of the Bible': under: Policy & thinking ...Versions of the Bible (here)
You may like to download and read the 1966 Jerusalem Bible, here:
Check your Downloads-folder to find the download.

​​The New Jerusalem Bible published in 1985, is an update to the Jerusalem Bible. The New Jerusalem Bible is not available to view online; and we do not recommend any free online-resources, as they are mostly fakes.
Centuries of traditional scriptures supplanted overnight by (new-age) plain-English bibles.
We can better understand the link between University Tuition Fees, multiculturalism, and how Britain's most traditional Bible's were supplanted with plain-English versions by looking at how The Douay–Rheims Bible and The King James Version (Bible) represented hundreds of years of authority and agreement between the Church of England and Catholicism in the UK.
The UK's state religious formulary up to at least c. 1990 was to appreciate a set of religious-archetypes, much of which was embedded in the English-language
  • The Douay–Rheims Bible (Challoner version), first published NT 1582, OT 1609 and 1610, is a translation of the Bible from the Latin Vulgate into English made by members of the English College, Douai, in the service of the Catholic Church. It was substantially "revised" between 1749 and 1752 by English Catholic Bishop Richard Challoner, who borrowed heavily from the King James Version (being a convert from Protestantism to Catholicism and thus familiar with its style).
  • The King James Version (Bible), begun in 1604 and completed as well as published in 1611, known as the King James Version (KJV), King James Bible or simply the Authorized Version; is an English translation of the Christian Bible for the Church of England, noted for its "majesty of style", published under the sponsorship of King James VI. At the beginning of the 19th century this became the most widely printed book in history, and almost all such printings presenting the standard text of 1769.
By the first half of the 18th century, The King James Version was effectively unchallenged as the sole English translation of the Bible in Protestant churches, and was so dominant, that in 1750 the Roman Catholic Church of England issued a revision of the 1610 Douay-Rheims Bible by Richard Challoner that was very much closer to the protestant King James Bible.
New Bible translations in the second half of the 20th century displaced The King James Version's 250 years of dominance (c. 1700 to 1950). ​
Late 20th century popular modern culture (1960 to 2000) redefined the usage of Old-English grammar in both The King James Version and The Douay–Rheims Bible, which deemed pronouns as archaic and politically-incorrect.
The A-political Bible.

New translations of plain-English Bible's, as well as plain-English-speaking in religious-language, became universally popular since the publication of the 'updated version' of The New Jerusalem Bible in 1985 (first published 1966). Progressively, all so-called-archaic pronouns like “Thee” and “Thou” were revised to YOU in all English; Bible's, church ceremonies and religious language.

For example: the 2006 Revised_Standard_Version - Second Catholic Edition Bible (RSV-2CE) was translated into plain-English, and removed archaic pronouns. All pronouns like e.g. THEE & THOU were revised to YOU, as well as accompanying verb forms (didst, speaketh).

Let us look to the internet for help from Bible Gateway, where we can cross reference the corresponding paragraph-lines, with sixty online Bible's; like this well known example from THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, (Exodus 20:13) THOU SHALT NOT KILL; which is now translated as YOU SHALL NOT KILL, (in the RSVCE & RSV Bible's, as well as differing in many other Bible-versions) here: 
Note: Bible clerics vary corresponding Bible-words or paragraphs; as a tool, to generate different perceptions.
Plain-English-speaking in religious-language, became universally popular since the publication of the 'updated version' of The New Jerusalem Bible in 1985.
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2006 Revised Standard Version - Second Catholic Edition Bible (RSV-2CE) or "The Ignatius Bible".
Where oversimplified words like 'YOU' superseded pronouns like “Thee” and “Thou” in favor of plain-English, it was said, 'They were too hard to understand' for those with less reading ability, and were too politically incorrect. And, for example, pronouns were deemed too offensive to people offended by 'gender-bias', and were too-upsetting for people that 'identified in diverse ways'.  In some cases, they 'identified God in an alternative way', for example, 'as another sex or non-binary sex'.
Where the archetypal example of UK Churches has been lost, people have been left alienated by plain-English public speaking, and plain-English church sub-culture. Not only are past generations alienated by plain-English-Bible's, they are also alienated by new formats of religion and liturgy.

As far as pronouns were concerned, the question becomes, is our attitude more worshipful when we say, “THEE” or "THOU", as opposed to “YOU”?
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Our institutional religious-formulary was an expression, to construe our call to God using Old-English religious-rhetoric with an upward-call that glorifies our announcement toward God
Our announcement toward god - 'YOU pretends to make a mystery familiar'?
The UK's state formulary up to at least c. 1990 was to appreciate a set of religious-archetypes, much of which was embedded in the English-language, whereby our institutional-formulary was an expression, to construe our call to God using Old-English religious-rhetoric with an upward-call that glorifies our announcement toward God. This is because (like, we were all subconsciously taught to appreciate up to c. 1990 in Schools, and even from things like Sunday church services on TV at that time, that olde-English words like e.g. “THEE” or "THOU" glorifies our announcement toward God; paradoxically we are now asked to say “YOU” to god, that is a downward call which pretends to make a mystery familiar.
As far as pronouns were concerned, the question becomes, is our attitude more worshipful when we say, “THEE” or "THOU" etc, as opposed to “YOU”? Grammarly, by replacing ALL the pronouns with oversimplified words, like for example, "YOU", dilutes the presence of polysemy.  It is therefore arguable, that oversimplification loses Polysemy; which had deeper-meanings or even Bible-code embedded in the scriptures prior to revision.
Unproven (new-age) church rhetoric lacking magisterium.

The removal of pronouns from Bible-language and church Public-speaking removes the Churches religious-archetypes, and therefore their religious-rhetoric and Magisterium that has been developed over hundreds of years to form certain expectations.

Pronouns like "Thee & thou" were very traditional religious-rhetoric words which were ingrained to represent the faithfull's personification of a broad spectrum of UK Churches higher authority; who now don't seem to have enough
religious-rhetoric, albeit authority, to even confirm the Church' existence.
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Songs of Praise is a UK television programme that was screened on Sunday evenings, but has been off the air in 2021/2022.
The uncontrolled post-war population and settlement boom - which now demands humans stop using oil & fossil fuels.
In 1943 Pope Pius XII encouraged Catholics to translate from the Hebrew and Greek texts rather from their esteemed Latin Vulgate Bible - in doing so the pontiff instigated a post-war population boom driven by the enthusiasm for church pluralism.

You can read more about this here, and how this is connected to the Nazi's.

The subsequent product of religious-pluralism was multiculturalism. Multiculturalism can be defined as a state's capacity to effectively and efficiently deal with cultural plurality within its sovereign borders. Multiculturalism has been described as a "salad bowl" and as a "cultural mosaic", in contrast to a "melting pot".

Given that the Roman Catholic Church has a duty to Catholicism, it could respectfully be argued, that it was undesirable to encourage so much religious-pluralism and therefore multiculturalism; because this has lead to cultural conflict between (religious) social groups; which struggle for dominance of their values, beliefs, and practices.

With considerable immigration to the UK after the Second World War, it could be argued, that religious-pluralism and multiculturalism leads to population and settlement growth; where evidence shows human activity and our use of fuels like petrol, diesel, gas, and coal is highly likely to be the main cause of global warming. When these fuels are burned they release greenhouse gases which trap heat in the earth's atmosphere, causing the air and seas to heat up which changes the climate.
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Please note: This theses (see link) is intended to be a very generic outline of how Britain's most traditional Bible's were supplanted with plain-English versions. We recognise The 1966 Jerusalem Bible is not singularly responsible for supplanting The King James Version (Bible) and The Douay–Rheims Bible. But in the authors opinion The Jerusalem Bible represents the beginning of an era, which popularised plain-English Bible revisions and liturgy, due to the 'Political-climate of the time', which has gone on to span several decades...., and is still well-going.
​But since the Bible says, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour", and as this is one of the Ten Commandments. There is no excuse for bearing false witness against Bible scriptures, through the wandering vagaries of plain-English vanities, of the British religious establishment.
Anyone not recognizing plain-English Bible's or plain-English religious language, cannot be blamed for not being fulfilled by its ineptitude.
In the words of Martin Luther, "This day you see me, and then, not ever again".

​Underlined text are links to online source material or examples.

Foggy Forest
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Environment Pollution
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Kids in Church
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Praying Girl
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Construction Site
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Praying Hands
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Aerial View of a Houses
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Book Pages
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Stained Glass
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Young Santa
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